How did a Finnish Woman become a Teacher and a Clinical Supervisor in an acupuncture college? I have always been...
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Safe and Effective
In the hands of a qualified professional practitioner, TCM and acupuncture is effective and safe, without any negative side effects.
Positive Health Oriented
TCM does not only treat illness which has already occurred. It aims to optimise health and prevent future ill-health.
What can be treated
TCM treats people who complain of a breakdown in health. It can treat physical, psychological and even spiritual symptoms to equal effect
Who Can Have Treatment
There is no restriction to who can be treated: the very old and the very young can be equally assisted. Pregnant women and milk babies can be treated.
“Acupuncture is one of the most popular and effective contemporary healing techniques, practised in almost every country on the globe. Acupuncture is part of a comprehensive medical system that has survived over the millennia. Not only is it safe, in the hands of fully trained practitioners, but its clinical applicability is enormous.”
The Natural Family Doctor. A. Stanway, Century Publishers, London.
“It is safe to say that there is no sick person who cannot be helped by TCM treatment.”
Prof. TJ Shanahan, Irish College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
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Course in TCM Dietetics #1: How to Eat Right
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