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Cupping is one of the oldest methods of Traditional Chinese medicine, and a method employed by traditional medicines all around the world. When practised by a trained professional it is a safe and effective form or therapy.

A vacuum is created inside a glass (or bamboo) cup which is then placed on the patient’s skin. Cupping effectively moves stagnation and alleviates respiratory and musculosceletal problems.

Cupping should leave purple marks which are painless, harmless, and will disappear in a few days’ time. These marks received a great deal of attention in the 2016 Olympics, where cupping was used by the athletic teams to speed recovery and enhance performance.

At the clinic, cupping is an auxiliary therapy and usually combined with acupuncture in one treatment, but it can also be used as a stand-alone treatment.

Schedule an Appointment

Appointments for Cupping are available at Kings College Health Centre. Choose “TCM and Acupuncture Consultation”.

Uses of Cupping

Cupping is most commonly used for problems with muscles or joints, for example stiff and/or painful back and shoulders, or hip and lower back pain.

It is used by athletes to speed recovery from training, improve performance and to aid healing of minor trauma.

It is traditionally used in treatment of respiratory problems such as bronchitis, asthma, allergies and the seasonal flu.

At the clinic it has also been successfully used to treat anxiety and depression.